Beauty-seeking Eyes

Beauty-seeking eyes

A spiritual master said most human suffering
is self-inflicted. Long do we hear and reject
such attribution, but in our aging start to perceive
the truth of it, the way the actions of some or many
cause harm to many or some and yes, we inflict hurt
while many or some also do good in the world.

A city view spreads beyond the eastern windows
of the room where I write—backyards
in various stages of repair, an alley, garages,
and a sky crossed with power lines. Yet
that tallest tree on the next block sometimes
snags the rising sun in its branches.

A Sufi said life is suffering and we must develop
beauty-seeking eyes to find our way through it,
seek loveliness in the midst of tribulation—
the blue vase on a fireplace mantle of the wall
still standing after a bombing, the sweetness
of a beloved face when pain has left it at last.

Tree with sunrise, Denver


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7 Responses to Beauty-seeking Eyes

  1. What a gorgeous poem, amiga! You have “beauty-seeking eyes” indeed….

  2. Barbara Fairchild says:

    So lovely. You have set the tone and direction of my day. Thank you.

  3. Andrea Jones says:

    “…in the midst of tribulation…”: this. Thank you.

  4. Bob Jaeger says:

    Thank you, Pat, for this deeply touching piece.

  5. C.M. Mayo says:

    Gracias, dear Pat, for this wise and beautiful poem.

  6. Jenny-Lynn says:

    Such a lovely poem, as light snags the tree and beauty seeks the eye. Bravo!

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