Mourning, sprinkled with memes

From former school of the arts student Kym Harris:  Some of you have never waited for a high school cast list to go up and it shows.

About the states that haven’t finished counting their mail-in/early votes yet: here in Colorado and elsewhere, we process those ballots as they come in, so they can be quickly added to the election day tally. Why some states handicap themselves by requiring that those early votes can’t be counted until November 3 is beyond me. Seems to be a Republican tactic. We already knew that Democrats did the majority of early voting. After all, we’re the ones who believe there’s a pandemic going on. Why is anybody surprised by the leaning-blue outcome of the late counting of that early voting?

The “all lives matter” crowd is extremely upset to learn that all votes matter. —Meme

I’ve never been more disappointed in this country and ashamed and disheartened about our trajectory, regardless of the outcome of this election… I had some ill-founded faith that experts and professionals still held a modicum of credibility, and that when faced with widespread condemnation across the board, even staunch single issue voting Republicans would mostly see through the lies and empty promises and vote him out in a dramatic landslide that would preempt any legal assault on the democratic process. —Caren Armstrong

Déjà blue, n. The sinking feeling of depression at concluding that half your country is willing to forgo competence and character in the most important job on earth. —Meme

…the America I want to see—in which people care about others, believe in objective reality and the expertise of folks who dedicate their lives to studying it, and at least strive to one day not be a country full of *insert any marginalized group*-hating racists. I’m grief stricken that we are evidently not even close to the America I believed in, and we probably deserve the massive dumpster fire legal fallout of this election that’s about to happen to us.—Caren Armstrong

We’ve had a national election with downtowns boarded up and fenced off, with streets blockaded, the kind of thing you see in dictator-run countries, the kind of thing we’ve never seen for an election here until now, until Trump.

Canada probably feels like they live in the apartment above a meth lab right about now. —Meme

I just want to make sure I’ve got this straight—per the Trumpers, we must stop counting votes in Pa. & Georgia because it’s illegal to count votes after Election Day—but we must keep counting votes in Az & Nevada because the law says all votes count? —Meme

I include the memes because one of the things I love most about Americans is our ability to find something to laugh about in almost any situation, no matter how dire. I believe, I hope, it is one of the features of our national character that will help us survive this crisis.

The sense of mourning I’m hearing is an echo that repeats endlessly these last few endless days. It is the dismay of learning so many Americans voted for the man who is so clearly incompetent, unethical and dishonest. Americans voted for the man who has deepened the divide between us, who has promoted white supremacy and racism. Americans voted for the man who has undone what little progress we’d made against climate change. Americans voted for the man who has willfully and baselessly undermined our faith in every government institution, even the CDC, even those mainstays of democracy, the election and the peaceful transfer of power. Americans voted for the man willing to take actions that result in the deaths of the vulnerable, if there’s a chance he can profit from them. Americans voted for that man. Not as many as voted against him. There’s that consolation. But many. We had believed that in the end, people would do the right thing. And so we mourn, as we witness the demise of a faith held dear.

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8 Responses to Mourning, sprinkled with memes

  1. normando1 says:

    Our Congress has GOT to get back to doing something to help the populace of the nation they have sworn to protect. When rural America has no access to information other than FOX then that is the bubble they will imagine is real. Republicans, it seems, only want to keep the nation ignorant as to reality. They have spent the last 8 years blocking and dismissing any attempt to educate, nurture and awaken the people of this nation to what actually goes on in their country and the world. I could go on, and on, but it’s pretty clear that half of our people live in a back-water, circling over and over in the sewer of lies and made-up anger they have been taught to believe. This doesn’t have to be.

  2. Bobt Jaeger says:

    Yes, and mourn the fact that even when (yes, I dare say when) DT loses, he has sixty-some days left in power.

  3. Andrea says:

    So, let us mourn. Then, let us find a way to repair the damage, the disunity, and the hate. For me, this means taking to heart this quote: “We are all so desperate to be understood, we forget to be understanding.” Beau Taplin

  4. Denise Gibson says:

    What a difference 3 days make. Joe Biden is now the president-elect and there is joy and hope in this country. We saw a great show on Netflix last night — The Social Dilemma — that helps us understand the divide in this country. There is still much work to be done, but now, at least, there is someone competent at the helm.

  5. Gregg says:

    I’m afraid this column resonates more with me than your latest dancing in the streets column. I’m not feeling cheery about the U.S.A.

    • dubrava says:

      I know. This refusal to acknowledge Biden’s win or cooperate with the transition has me about as depressed as I was before the election.

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