Jet Lag: Tidbits #12

Dragging suitcases into the dark, chilled house caused a twinge of dismay. I’d been bathed in bright, pristine places the last fifteen days. “This house needs cleaning,” I thought. The kitchen was shocking, its dishwasher out in the middle of the floor, water line hanging loose. The leak we’d finally located two days before departure: not once in Paris or on the cruise, in Heidelberg or Prague, did I remember how we ordered the new hose and left.

Our stateroom, German vineyards on the hill

My house was dark because the sun had set, cold because we’d turned down the heat. I stared at the light over the stove for long seconds before recalling how to turn it on. The floor moved beneath my feet. We collapsed before 8, had been up all the European night, although night only caught up with us here in Denver. Memories of this trip will soon vanquish 15 hours in planes and airports, just as our homeowner trials fled upon arrival in Paris. But yesterday, today and for a day or two more, drowsiness dims me at 3 in the afternoon, my body still knowing it’s 10 p.m. in Prague. And under me, the house still gently sways, like a boat on the Rhine.

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8 Responses to Jet Lag: Tidbits #12

  1. drosenb says:

    Arggghhh, this scares me, Pat!. I leave Thursday for 7 week trip to SE Asia. It will be in the 90’s every day and very humid. Dreading the 20-hour flight and another hour to first hotel in Bangkok. This may be the last time I do a long trip depending on how I fare. These are pre-trip anxieties that I am so hoping will disappear after my first day of jet lag.

    • dubrava says:

      Absolutely those anxieties will fade, Deb. Back late Sunday and today we are nearly normal again. Do allow for taking it easy the first few days. We did that in Paris and it was worth it. We’re aging and don’t recover as fast as we used to. Seven weeks sounds wonderful! Bon Voyage!

  2. Brad Mudge says:

    Perfect! Been there, done that!

  3. Barbara Fairchild says:

    We have found just recently that jet lag is a real thing. Welcome home.

  4. Bob Jaeger says:

    Huzzah! Welcome home! Soon it will be daylight saving time, and we can one again experience our very own stay at home version of jet lag.

    • dubrava says:

      Arrgh! I just realized that yesterday. Once we have completely recovered—I’m thinking Saturday—we can do it all again, mini-version.

  5. Jenny-Lynn says:

    Oh, you captured the swooning unpleasantness of jet lag perfectly! The swaying house happens to me even with no boats involved. Years ago, returning from short escapes to a house full of rambunctious boys, we referred to re-entry burn–gotta hit the atmosphere just right or you crisp into cinders.

    Beautifully written and much appreciated, as always!

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