New publication

A great short story, quick read by Agustín Cadena and my translation, here:

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5 Responses to New publication

  1. Jim Thompson says:

    Enjoyed that little diversion. Thanks.

  2. Nice and gritty. Reminds me a bit of Calvino’s “Marcovaldo,” whose hero is also tough with a gentle streak and haunted imagination….

  3. Long day. Misspelled my own name!

  4. Bob Jaeger says:

    Thanks, Pat. I like the way this one slips from macho bullshit, to regret and admission of guilt, to fear.

  5. C.M. Mayo says:

    Dear Pat, Warmest congratulations on this superb translation of a superb short story. Cadena is one of Mexico’s finest short story writers, ever. It makes my day to see his writing in translation.

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